The Grapevine is a community facility that is home to several art and cultural groups and managed by Ellenbrook Arts (aka the Ellenbrook Cultural Foundation)
This venue is available to hire at an affordable hourly rate, with excellent facilities and in a convenient location at the picturesque Charlotte’s Vineyard
Has a Main Hall and Kitchen with Servery
Accommodates up to 50 people
Tables, Chairs, Toilets, Access for the Disabled
Corner of Brookmount Drive and Arrowsmith Avenue
Charlottes Vineyard
Ellenbrook 6069
Ph: 08 9395 2939
For contact info, bookings, exhibitions etc. see Ellenbrook Arts
If you need Ellenbrook Community Centres, Ellenbrook Facilities or Ellenbrook Venues as in Venues for Hire, Facilities for Hire, Local Community Centres, Local Facilities, Local Venues, Local Halls, Community Halls, Family Centres, Seniors Centres, Youth Centres, Libraries, Galleries, Pavilions, Meeting Rooms or Club Rooms you will find has the best selection of almost every Community Building and Community Venue in Aveley, Belhus, The Swan Valley, The Vines and Ellenbrook!